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Open Letter To Our Governing Officials

Dear Governing Official,

The law of the land is the U.S. Constitution which guarantees civil and religious liberties for every citizen. Parents around the country are very concerned about what their children are being taught in the classroom. Driven by love, these parents have taken time out of their busy schedules to attend school board meetings in order to inform those who administrate their children’s education that they are not happy. Appropriately, these parents have expressed righteous anger regarding the lies being purveyed to their children, behind their backs. Now, the U.S. Department of Justice, in alliance with retaliating school board members, is threatening parents by labeling them as “domestic terrorists.” Parents with raised voices and fists that pound the lectern are acting just as they should. After all, they believe their children are being harmed. We call on our governing officials to take whatever actions are necessary to correct these issues. As a governing official, you entered into your public office by taking an oath to defend and protect our Constitution. Please defend our Constitutional right to freedom of speech.

Pillar Citizen

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